希臘 |
Top |
題名 / 著者 |
圖書索書號 |
圖書連結 |
希臘文化史 : 文明的興起 |
740.215 8749 94 |
你所不知的希臘神話故事 |
284.95 8764 99 |
古希臘的文藝理論 德國古典美學散論 |
871.3 8836 100 |
Greek tragedy and political philosophy : rationalism and religion in Sophocles' Theban plays |
JC73 A37 2011 |
Choral identity and the chorus of elders in Greek tragedy |
PA3136 D48 2011 |
Theatre of the condemned : classical tragedy on Greek prison islands |
PA3026 V36 2011 |
Greek tragedy : suffering under the sun |
PA3131 H35 2010 |
The tangled ways of Zeus : and other studies in and around Greek tragedy |
PA3133 S66 2010 |
Law and drama in ancient Greece |
PA3133 L39 2010 |
Athena's justice : Athena, Athens, and the concept of justice in Greek tragedy |
PA3131 K38 2009 |
Bound by the city : Greek tragedy, sexual difference, and the formation of the polis |
PA3136 B66 2009 |
Greek tragedy |
PA3131 R26 2008 |
Sophocles and Alcibiades : Athenian politics in ancient Greek literature |
PA4417 V53 2008 |
Becoming female : the male body in Greek tragedy |
PA3131 C39 2008 |
Plague and the Athenian imagination : drama, history and the cult of Asclepius |
BL820.A4 M582 2008 |
Tragedy, Euripides and Euripideans : selected papers |
PA3978 C6144 2007 |
The politics of Greek tragedy |
PA3131 C34 2007 |
Achilles in Greek tragedy |
PA3015.R5 A376 2007 |
Word order in Greek tragic dialogue |
PA3547 D55 2007 |
Pots & plays : interactions between tragedy and Greek vase-painting of the fourth century B.C. |
NK4645 T377 2007 |
Superheroes and Greek tragedy : comparing cultural icons |
PA3131 M28 2006 |
Lost dramas of classical Athens : Greek tragic fragments |
PA3131 L68 2005 |
The soul of tragedy : essays on Athenian drama |
PA3131 S67 2005 |
Dialogue and drama : elements of Greek tragedy in the Fourth Gospel |
BS2615.52 B73 2004 |
Female acts in Greek tragedy |
PA3136 F65 2003 |
The play of space : spatial transformation in Greek tragedy |
PA3136 R38 2002 |
The fragility of goodness : luck and ethics in Greek tragedy and philosophy |
BJ192 N87 2001 |
Sophocles' tragic world : divinity, nature, society |
PA4417 S46 1998 |
The Cambridge companion to Greek tragedy |
PA3131 C29 1997 |
Greek tragedy and the historian |
PA3131 G594 1997 |
Theatrical space and historical place in Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus |
PA4413.O53 E36 1996 |
The Complete Greek tragedies |
PA3626.A2 G67 1992 |
A companion to Sophocles |
PA4417 C65 2012 |
Sophocles |
PA4417 C699 2009 |
Oedipus at Colonus : Sophocles, Athens, and the world |
PA4413.O5 M374 2007 |
Introductions and translations to the plays of Sophocles and Euripides |
PA4414.A2 L68 2006 |
Sophocles: Philoctetes |
PA4413.P5 R65 2005 |
Antigone |
PA4414 A7 2002 |
Euripides : Suppliant women |
PA3973.S93 S76 2008 |
Thucydidean themes |
DF229.T6 H66 2011 |
The Way of Herodotus : travels with the man who invented history |
D56.52.H45 M37 2010 |
Herodotus and the Persian Wars |
DF225 C55 2008 |
Reading Herodotus : a study of the logoi in Book 5 of Herodotus' Histories |
PA4004 R43 2007 |
When women interfere : studies in the role of women in Herodotus' Histories |
PA4004 H39 2004 |
Discourses on the first book of Herodotus |
D58 A75 1995 |
Author of illusions : Thucydides' rewriting of the history of the Peloponnesian War |
DF229.2 L84 2011 |
Thucydides : the reinvention of history |
DF229.T6 K28 2009 |
Power and structure in Thucydides : an analytical commentary |
DF229.T6 K66 2009 |
Thucydides and the philosophical origins of history |
DF229.T6 S47 2007 |
Thucydides and the shaping of history |
DF229.T6 G74 2006 |
Greek tragedy in Vergil's "Aeneid" : ritual, empire, and intertext |
PA6825 P27 2009 |
Sophocles' Philoctetes and the great soul robbery |
PA4413.P5 A95 2011 |
The art of Euripides : dramatic technique and social context |
PA3978 M365 2010 |
Aeschylus : Eumenides |
PA3825.E7 M58 2009 |
Sophocles and the Greek tragic tradition |
PA4417 S6913 2009 |
視聽資料 |
Top |
題名 / 著者 |
圖書索書號 |
圖書連結 |
希臘神話故事 第1集,大自然的神話 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第2集,違逆諸神 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第3集,特洛伊戰爭 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第4集, 英雄的任務 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第5集,奧德修斯的返鄉之旅 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第6集, 希修斯與米諾陶 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第7集,波修斯與梅杜莎 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第8集,傑森與金羊 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第9集,星座的神話 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘神話故事 第10集,奧林帕斯山的眾神 |
284.795 8774 95 |
希臘史詩戰爭名片 : 亞歷山大大帝; 木馬屠城記 |
740.2137 857 98 |
亞歷山大帝 v.1 |
987.952 887-5 93 |
亞歷山大帝 v.2 |
987.952 887-5 93 |
300 壯士:斯巴達的逆襲 = 300 |
987.952 8735:4-2 96 |
希臘首部曲:悲傷草原 |
987.9495 8545-5 93 |
特洛伊: 木馬屠城 Troy v.1 |
987.952 8957:2-2 93 |
特洛伊 : 木馬屠城Troy v.2 |
987.952 8957:2-2 93 |
探索古希臘: 西元前1500-100年 |
740.1 8455 |
奧德賽 = Great Books IV : The Odyssey |
813 7764-4 92 |
羅馬帝國 |
740.2239 8534 88 |
希臘 |
719.85 6373 |
奧德賽 |
987.952 8533:2 86 |
羅馬帝國 : 統治世界長達四個世紀的不朽帝國 v.1 |
987.952 8659 |
羅馬帝國 : 統治世界長達四個世紀的不朽帝國 v.2 |
987.952 8659 |
征服帝國 |
740.2238 8684 |
奧林匹克運動會 |
740.212 8754 |
希臘的感官世界 |
740.212 8754 |
希臘的英雄時代 |
740.212 8754 |
迷宮之島克里特之島 |
740.212 8754 |
希臘神話 |
740.212 8754 |
雅典與斯巴達 |
740.212 8754 |
亞歷山大帝國 |
740.212 8754 |
波斯帝國 |
740.212 8754 |
消失中的羅馬 : 東西羅馬的分裂與四方的強敵 |
713 8754-2 |
流浪者之歌 : 賽西亞人, 匈奴人遣徙, 間接造成東羅馬帝國滅 |
713 8754-2 |
羅馬的搏命場與溫柔鄉 : 浴室、水道、競技場 |
713 8754-2 |
沙漠中的羅馬古城 : 派特拉、巴美拉二城 |
713 8754-2 |
掩埋在地下的的榮華 : 龐貝 : 維蘇威火山下的龐貝古城 |
713 8754-2 |
羅馬帝國的風雲匯聚 : 奧古斯都、圖拉真、HADRIAN |
713 8754-2 |
羅馬的起源 : 共和時代、公民人權、凱撒大帝、議員 |
713 8754-2 |
世界古代文明之謎 |
713 8564 96 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.1 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.2 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.3 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.4 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.5 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.6 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.7 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.8 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.9 |
241 8468 95 |
聖經是歷史還是傳說 : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.10 |
241 8468 95 |
凱撒大帝 : Julius Caesar v.1 |
873.4332 8745-2 |
凱撒大帝 : Julius Caesar v.2 |
873.4332 8745-2 |
古羅馬競技場 = Colosseum |
740.22 8453:2 93 |
古羅馬的殞落 |
740.22 8453 89 |
拜占庭帝國 |
740.229 8753 88 |
埃及豔后的皇宮 |
924.61 8794 88 |
築夢帝國 : 失落的拜占庭 |
740.229 8534 86 |
築夢帝國 : 失落的拜占庭 c.1 |
740.229 8534 86 |
永恆不朽 : 失落的拜占庭 |
740.229 8647 86 |
羅馬 : 帝國時期的藝術 |
909.9 4437 |
世界文明遺產 : 歷史的印痕 = Heritage v.1 滄桑老城 |
798 8566 |
世界文明遺產 : 歷史的印痕 = Heritage v.2 朝聖地 |
798 8566 |
世界文明遺產 : 歷史的印痕 = Heritage v.3 山丘上的佛塔 |
798 8566 |
世界文明遺產 : 歷史的印痕 = Heritage v.4 世界最華麗的廣場 |
798 8566 |
世界文明遺產 : 遺落的輝煌 = Heritage v.1 宗教與權力的象徵 |
798 8566-2 |
世界文明遺產 : 遺落的輝煌 = Heritage v.2 聖徒的藝術品 |
798 8566-2 |
世界文明遺產 : 遺落的輝煌 = Heritage v.3 哭泣的皇城 |
798 8566-2 |
世界文明遺產 : 遺落的輝煌 = Heritage v.4 尋找昔的大教堂 |
798 8566-2 |
權力的誘惑 |
740.222 8465 |
帝國興起 |
740.222 8445 |
失落的文明 |
711 5665-2 |
The Age of Sophocles |
PA4414 A265 2008 |
電子書 |
Top |
題名 / 著者 |
圖書連結 |
The art and rhetoric of the Homeric catalogue |
Homer and the politics of authority in Renaissance France |
Homer's Cosmic Fabrication. Choice and Design in the Iliad. |
Homer in the twentieth century : between world literature and the western canon |
Homeric voices : discourse, memory, gender |
Epic interactions : perspectives on Homer, Virgil, and the epic tradition : presented to Jasper Griffin by former pupils |
The mind of Gladstone : religion, Homer, and politics |
The Cambridge companion to Homer |
Childlike Achilles : ontogeny and phylogeny in the Iliad |
Byron and Joyce through Homer : Don Juan and Ulysses |
Reading the Book of Isaiah : destruction and lament in the holy cities |
1 Enoch 91-108 |
Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking : |
Gentile Impurities and Jewish Identities : Intermarriage and Conversion from the Bible to the Talmud |
Ancient Jewish Novels : An Anthology |
The Origins of Biblical Monotheism : Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts |
Early Christian literature : Christ and culture in the second and third centuries |
Jews, gentiles and ethnic reconciliation : Paul's Jewish identity and ephesians |
Matthew's trilogy of parables : the nation, the nations and the reader in Matthew 21:28-22:14 |
Paul and the power of sin : redefining 'beyond the pale' |
The Apocryphal New Testament : A Collection of Apocryphal Christian Literature in an English Translation |
Theatre of the condemned : classical tragedy on Greek prison islands |
Why Athens? : a reappraisal of tragic politics |
The hidden chorus : echoes of genre in tragic lyric |
The tangled ways of Zeus : and other studies in and around Greek tragedy |
The art of euripides : dramatic technique and social context |
Freudian mythologies : Greek tragedy and modern identities |
Greek tragedy and political philosophy : rationalism and religion in Sophocles' Theban plays |
Entering the agon : dissent and authority in Homer, historiography and tragedy |
Plague and the Athenian imagination : drama, history, and the cult of Asclepius |
Word Order in Greek Tragic Dialogue : |
Euripides' Escape-Tragedies : A Study of Helen, Andromeda, and Iphigenia among the Taurians |
Athens in Paris : Ancient Greece and the Political in Post-War French Thought |
Heracles and euripidean tragedy |
Money and the early Greek mind : homer, philosophy, tragedy |
Sophocles and the tragedy of Athenian democracy |
Gender and the City in Euripides' Political Plays : |
The Cambridge companion to Greek tragedy |
Greek tragedy on the American stage : ancient drama in the commercial theater, 1882-1994 |
Antigone on the contemporary world stage |
Drama for students. Volume 24 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas |
Crossroads in the Black Aegean. Oedipus, Antigone, and Dramas of the African Diaspora. |
Drama for students. Volume 8 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas |
Drama for students. Volume 1 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas |
Drama for students. Volume 4 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas |
Drama for students. Volume 25 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas |
The Reception and Performance of Euripides' Herakles. Reasoning Madness. |
Drama for students. Volume 6 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas |
The advent of pluralism : diversity and conflict in the age of Sophocles |
Motivation and Narrative in Herodotus. |
Reading Herodotus : a study of the logoi in Book 5 of Herodotus' Histories |
The Cambridge companion to Herodotus |
Herodotus and his world : essays from a conference in memory of George Forrest |
Divinity and history : the religion of Herodotus |
Thucydides, pericles, and periclean imperialism |
Thucydides and Pindar : Historical Narrative and the World of Epinikian Poetry |
The Tragic Vision of Politics : Ethics, Interests and Orders. |
Two thousand years of solitude : exile after Ovid |
Ovid and the politics of emotion in Elizabethan England [electronicresource] |
Reflections in a serpent's eye : Thebes in Ovid's Metamorphoses |
Ovid before exile : art and punishment in the Metamorphoses |
An Ovid workbook |
Ovid's lovers : desire, difference and the poetic imagination |
The art of love : bimillennial essays on Ovid's Ars amatoria and Remedia amoris |
Readers and Writers in Ovid's Heroides : Transgressions of Genre and Gender |
The Cambridge companion to Ovid |
Ovid's Fasti : Historical Readings at its Bimillennium |
Brill's companion to Ovid |
The poetics of Latin didactic : Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius |
Ovid's changing worlds : English Metamorphoses, 1567-1632 |
Virgil's schoolboys : the poetics of pedagogy in Renaissance England |
Sibylline sisters : Virgil's presence in contemporary women's writing |
Allegories of farming from Greece and Rome : philosophical satire in Xenophon, Varro, and Virgil |
Greek tragedy in Vergil's <I>Aeneid<I> : ritual, empire, and intertext |
The commerce of war : exchange and social order in Latin epic |
Virgil made English : the decline of classical authority |
The Other Virgil. `Pessimistic' Readings of the Aeneid in Early Modern Culture. |
Statius and Virgil : the Thebaid and the reinterpretation of the Aeneid |
The poetry of pathos : studies in Virgilian epic |
Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace : |
Virgil Recomposed : The Mythological and Secular Centos in Antiquity |
Virgil and the Augustan reception |
Virgil on the nature of things : the Georgics, Lucretius, and the didactic tradition |
The Cambridge companion to Virgil |
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Volume 2, The peace of Westphalia to the dissolution of the Reich 1648-1806 |
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Volume 1, Maximilian I to the peace of Westphalia, 1490-1648 |
Policing the Roman Empire : soldiers, administration, and public order |
The last pagans of Rome |
Wallenstein : the enigma of the Thirty YearsWar |
Man as witch : male witches in Central Europe |
The bee and the eagle : Napoleonic France and the end of the Holy Roman Empire, 1806 |
The politics of munificence in the Roman Empire : citizens, elites, and benefactors in Asia Minor |
The negotiated reformation : imperial cities and the politics of urban reform, 1525–1550 |
Landscapes and Cities : Rural Settlement and Civic Transformation in Early Imperial Italy |
Kingship and politics in the late ninth century : charles the fat and the end of the carolingian empire |
Gibbon and the 'Watchmen of the Holy City' : the historian and his reputation, 1776-1815 |
Henry IV of Germany 1056–1106 |