

       西方文明基礎源頭可追溯到古代三大語系:希伯來文、希臘文與拉丁文,從此三種語系的作品選出的經典,集結成西洋文學作品選集,英文選集首推Norton出版的兩巨冊: The Norton Anthology of Western Literature ,依年代編纂,每一斷代與重要作者皆由大師或專家學者撰文導引與介紹,是西洋文學入門的基本書目。


若要強化通識人文的涵養,亦可從繪畫與藝術等進入西洋文學的殿堂,舊約聖經名畫《舊約聖經畫典》《聖經.繪畫 : 舊約﹑新約與聖徒傳說》等書。


  工具書的使用,最佳的導航,推薦參考下列館藏: 《西洋文學術語手冊:文學詮釋舉隅,第二版 A Reader's Guide to Literary Terms》(採購中)、《文學術語手冊》《西洋文學辭典》等書。





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總覽 Top
題名 / 著者 圖書索書號
西洋文學導讀 v.1 870 8935 70
西洋文學導讀 v.2 870 8935 70
Discovering literature : stories, poems, plays  PE1417 G866 1996
Nineteenth-century American women writers : an anthology  PS508.W7 N56 1997
Literature  PN6014 L558 1997
Literature of the western world v.1 PN6014 L615 1997
Literature of the western world v.2 PN6014 L615 1997
The Western canon : the books and school of the ages  PN81 B545 1994
現代歐美文學概述  v.1 870.9 879-2 85
現代歐美文學概述  v.2 870.9 879-2 85
百年經典名著 : 60部人人必讀的西洋名著 813 8566 90
西方文學理論四講 870.1 8546 89
一生必讀100本好書  012.4 8765 94
西方正典  812 8336 87
西洋文學大教室 : 精讀經典  870.7 8673 95
知道點世界文學集錄 813 8735 96
西方文學的十五堂課 870.9 8587 96
從0開始圖解西洋名畫  947.5 8766-2 97
在中世紀星空下 740.23 8436 97
The Norton anthology of Western literature  PN6014 N66 2006
The Norton anthology of Western literature  PN6014 N66 2006
你一定愛讀的極簡歐洲史 : 為什麼歐洲對現代文明的影響這麼深  740.1 8434 99
關於世界名畫的100個故事 947 8452 99
從黎明到衰頹 : 五百年來的西方文化生活  740.3 8455-3 100
不安於是 : 西洋女性文學十二家 815.1 8477 100
一生不能不看的世界名著故事 813 8445 100
影響人類歷史文化的100位文學家  781.054 8546 101
世界最優質的經典好書  012.4 8732 101
品味文學人生 : 從莎士比亞到貝克特 805.18 8423 101
歐洲歷史新視角 740 8456 101
文學術語手冊  870.4 8464 101
世界最偉大的西洋文學經典 012.4 8853 102
圖解西洋史 740.1 8439 97
西方經典英漢提要 ; 卷一 . 古希臘羅馬經典100部(公元前800年到公元150年) 016.87 8434 99
希臘 Top
題名 / 著者 圖書索書號
希臘文化史 : 文明的興起  740.215 8749 94
你所不知的希臘神話故事  284.95 8764 99
古希臘的文藝理論 德國古典美學散論  871.3 8836 100
Greek tragedy and political philosophy : rationalism and religion in Sophocles' Theban plays  JC73 A37 2011
Choral identity and the chorus of elders in Greek tragedy  PA3136 D48 2011
Theatre of the condemned : classical tragedy on Greek prison islands  PA3026 V36 2011
Greek tragedy : suffering under the sun  PA3131 H35 2010
The tangled ways of Zeus : and other studies in and around Greek tragedy PA3133 S66 2010
Law and drama in ancient Greece  PA3133 L39 2010
Athena's justice : Athena, Athens, and the concept of justice in Greek tragedy PA3131 K38 2009
Bound by the city : Greek tragedy, sexual difference, and the formation of the polis  PA3136 B66 2009
Greek tragedy  PA3131 R26 2008
Sophocles and Alcibiades : Athenian politics in ancient Greek literature  PA4417 V53 2008
Becoming female : the male body in Greek tragedy  PA3131 C39 2008
Plague and the Athenian imagination : drama, history and the cult of Asclepius  BL820.A4 M582 2008
Tragedy, Euripides and Euripideans : selected papers  PA3978 C6144 2007
The politics of Greek tragedy  PA3131 C34 2007
Achilles in Greek tragedy  PA3015.R5 A376 2007
Word order in Greek tragic dialogue  PA3547 D55 2007
Pots & plays : interactions between tragedy and Greek vase-painting of the fourth century B.C.  NK4645 T377 2007
Superheroes and Greek tragedy : comparing cultural icons  PA3131 M28 2006
Lost dramas of classical Athens : Greek tragic fragments PA3131 L68 2005
The soul of tragedy : essays on Athenian drama  PA3131 S67 2005
Dialogue and drama : elements of Greek tragedy in the Fourth Gospel  BS2615.52 B73 2004
Female acts in Greek tragedy PA3136 F65 2003
The play of space : spatial transformation in Greek tragedy  PA3136 R38 2002
The fragility of goodness : luck and ethics in Greek tragedy and philosophy  BJ192 N87 2001
Sophocles' tragic world : divinity, nature, society  PA4417 S46 1998
The Cambridge companion to Greek tragedy  PA3131 C29 1997
Greek tragedy and the historian  PA3131 G594 1997
Theatrical space and historical place in Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus  PA4413.O53 E36 1996
The Complete Greek tragedies  PA3626.A2 G67 1992
A companion to Sophocles  PA4417 C65 2012
Sophocles  PA4417 C699 2009
Oedipus at Colonus : Sophocles, Athens, and the world  PA4413.O5 M374 2007
Introductions and translations to the plays of Sophocles and Euripides PA4414.A2 L68 2006
Sophocles: Philoctetes  PA4413.P5 R65 2005
Antigone  PA4414 A7 2002
Euripides : Suppliant women  PA3973.S93 S76 2008
Thucydidean themes  DF229.T6 H66 2011
The Way of Herodotus : travels with the man who invented history  D56.52.H45 M37 2010
Herodotus and the Persian Wars  DF225 C55 2008
Reading Herodotus : a study of the logoi in Book 5 of Herodotus' Histories  PA4004 R43 2007
When women interfere : studies in the role of women in Herodotus' Histories  PA4004 H39 2004
Discourses on the first book of Herodotus  D58 A75 1995
Author of illusions : Thucydides' rewriting of the history of the Peloponnesian War  DF229.2 L84 2011
Thucydides : the reinvention of history  DF229.T6 K28 2009
Power and structure in Thucydides : an analytical commentary  DF229.T6 K66 2009
Thucydides and the philosophical origins of history  DF229.T6 S47 2007
Thucydides and the shaping of history  DF229.T6 G74 2006
Greek tragedy in Vergil's "Aeneid" : ritual, empire, and intertext  PA6825 P27 2009
Sophocles' Philoctetes and the great soul robbery  PA4413.P5 A95 2011
The art of Euripides : dramatic technique and social context  PA3978 M365 2010
Aeschylus : Eumenides  PA3825.E7 M58 2009
Sophocles and the Greek tragic tradition  PA4417 S6913 2009
羅馬 Top
題名 / 著者 圖書索書號
CG世界遺產 : 古羅馬 740.225 8333 97
原來,古羅馬人這樣過日子! : 考古專家帶你近距離直擊古羅馬人生活現場 740.225 8374 100
羅馬帝國的崛起 740.222 8644 101
從零開始認識古羅馬 : 浴場、競技場、元老院,輕鬆了解西方文明發源地 740.222 8743 102
A companion to Ovid  PA6537 C57 2009
Chaucer's Ovidian arts of love  PR1933.L6 C35 1994
Shakespeare and Ovid  PR2955.O86 B38 1994
The art of love : amatory fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the Rose  PN682.L68 A45 1992
希伯來 Top
題名 / 著者 圖書索書號
舊約聖經畫典  947.37 8735-2 95
簡明聖經史地圖解  241.09 8675 87
聖經及教會歷史地圖集 241.08 8475 96
聖經人物誌 : 400位聖經名人故事集  241.099 8665 96
神的歷史 : 猶太教.基督教.伊斯蘭教的歷史  242.1 8454 101
聖經的文學迴響   870.207 8367 101
聖經的故事  241 8687 102
視聽資料 Top
題名 / 著者 圖書索書號

希臘神話故事 第1集,大自然的神話

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第2集,違逆諸神

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第3集,特洛伊戰爭

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第4集, 英雄的任務

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第5集,奧德修斯的返鄉之旅

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第6集, 希修斯與米諾陶

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第7集,波修斯與梅杜莎

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第8集,傑森與金羊

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第9集,星座的神話

284.795 8774 95

希臘神話故事 第10集,奧林帕斯山的眾神

284.795 8774 95
希臘史詩戰爭名片 : 亞歷山大大帝; 木馬屠城記   740.2137 857 98
亞歷山大帝 v.1 987.952 887-5 93
亞歷山大帝 v.2 987.952 887-5 93
300 壯士:斯巴達的逆襲 = 300 987.952 8735:4-2 96
希臘首部曲:悲傷草原  987.9495 8545-5 93
特洛伊: 木馬屠城 Troy  v.1 987.952 8957:2-2 93
特洛伊 : 木馬屠城Troy  v.2 987.952 8957:2-2 93
探索古希臘: 西元前1500-100年  740.1 8455
奧德賽 = Great Books IV : The Odyssey  813 7764-4 92
羅馬帝國 740.2239 8534 88
希臘  719.85 6373
奧德賽  987.952 8533:2 86
羅馬帝國  : 統治世界長達四個世紀的不朽帝國 v.1  987.952 8659
羅馬帝國  : 統治世界長達四個世紀的不朽帝國 v.2  987.952 8659
征服帝國  740.2238 8684
奧林匹克運動會 740.212 8754
希臘的感官世界 740.212 8754
希臘的英雄時代  740.212 8754
迷宮之島克里特之島  740.212 8754
希臘神話  740.212 8754
雅典與斯巴達  740.212 8754
亞歷山大帝國  740.212 8754
波斯帝國  740.212 8754
消失中的羅馬  : 東西羅馬的分裂與四方的強敵  713 8754-2

流浪者之歌  : 賽西亞人, 匈奴人遣徙, 間接造成東羅馬帝國滅 

713 8754-2
羅馬的搏命場與溫柔鄉  : 浴室、水道、競技場 713 8754-2
沙漠中的羅馬古城  : 派特拉、巴美拉二城  713 8754-2
掩埋在地下的的榮華 : 龐貝  : 維蘇威火山下的龐貝古城  713 8754-2
羅馬帝國的風雲匯聚  : 奧古斯都、圖拉真、HADRIAN  713 8754-2
羅馬的起源  : 共和時代、公民人權、凱撒大帝、議員  713 8754-2
世界古代文明之謎   713 8564 96

聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.1

241 8468 95

聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.2

241 8468 95

聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.3

241 8468 95
聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.4 241 8468 95
聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.5 241 8468 95
聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.6 241 8468 95
聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.7 241 8468 95
聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.8 241 8468 95
聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.9 241 8468 95
聖經是歷史還是傳說  : 從聖經看羅馬帝國社會與文化 v.10 241 8468 95
凱撒大帝  : Julius Caesar v.1 873.4332 8745-2
凱撒大帝  : Julius Caesar v.2 873.4332 8745-2
古羅馬競技場  = Colosseum  740.22 8453:2 93
古羅馬的殞落 740.22 8453 89
拜占庭帝國  740.229 8753 88
埃及豔后的皇宮  924.61 8794 88
築夢帝國  : 失落的拜占庭  740.229 8534 86
築夢帝國  : 失落的拜占庭 c.1 740.229 8534 86
永恆不朽  : 失落的拜占庭   740.229 8647 86
羅馬 : 帝國時期的藝術 909.9 4437
世界文明遺產 : 歷史的印痕  = Heritage  v.1 滄桑老城 798 8566
世界文明遺產 : 歷史的印痕  = Heritage  v.2 朝聖地 798 8566
世界文明遺產 : 歷史的印痕  = Heritage  v.3 山丘上的佛塔 798 8566

世界文明遺產 : 歷史的印痕  = Heritage  v.4 世界最華麗的廣場

798 8566

世界文明遺產 : 遺落的輝煌  = Heritage  v.1 宗教與權力的象徵

798 8566-2

世界文明遺產 : 遺落的輝煌  = Heritage  v.2 聖徒的藝術品

798 8566-2
世界文明遺產 : 遺落的輝煌  = Heritage  v.3 哭泣的皇城 798 8566-2

世界文明遺產 : 遺落的輝煌  = Heritage  v.4 尋找昔的大教堂

798 8566-2
權力的誘惑  740.222 8465
帝國興起 740.222 8445
失落的文明  711 5665-2
The Age of Sophocles PA4414 A265 2008
電子書 Top
題名 / 著者  
The art and rhetoric of the Homeric catalogue  
Homer and the politics of authority in Renaissance France  
Homer's Cosmic Fabrication. Choice and Design in the Iliad. 
Homer in the twentieth century  : between world literature and the western canon 
Homeric voices  : discourse, memory, gender 
Epic interactions  : perspectives on Homer, Virgil, and the epic tradition : presented to Jasper Griffin by former pupils 
The mind of Gladstone  : religion, Homer, and politics 
The Cambridge companion to Homer  
Childlike Achilles : ontogeny and phylogeny in the Iliad  
Byron and Joyce through Homer : Don Juan and Ulysses  
Reading the Book of Isaiah  : destruction and lament in the holy cities 
1 Enoch 91-108  
Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking  :
Gentile Impurities and Jewish Identities  : Intermarriage and Conversion from the Bible to the Talmud
Ancient Jewish Novels  : An Anthology
The Origins of Biblical Monotheism  : Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts
Early Christian literature  : Christ and culture in the second and third centuries 
Jews, gentiles and ethnic reconciliation  : Paul's Jewish identity and ephesians 
Matthew's trilogy of parables  : the nation, the nations and the reader in Matthew 21:28-22:14 
Paul and the power of sin  : redefining 'beyond the pale' 
The Apocryphal New Testament  : A Collection of Apocryphal Christian Literature in an English Translation
Theatre of the condemned  : classical tragedy on Greek prison islands 
Why Athens?  : a reappraisal of tragic politics 
The hidden chorus  : echoes of genre in tragic lyric 
The tangled ways of Zeus  : and other studies in and around Greek tragedy 
The art of euripides  : dramatic technique and social context 
Freudian mythologies  : Greek tragedy and modern identities 
Greek tragedy and political philosophy : rationalism and religion in Sophocles' Theban plays  
Entering the agon  : dissent and authority in Homer, historiography and tragedy 
Plague and the Athenian imagination : drama, history, and the cult of Asclepius  
Word Order in Greek Tragic Dialogue  :
Euripides' Escape-Tragedies  : A Study of Helen, Andromeda, and Iphigenia among the Taurians
Athens in Paris  : Ancient Greece and the Political in Post-War French Thought
Heracles and euripidean tragedy  
Money and the early Greek mind  : homer, philosophy, tragedy 
Sophocles and the tragedy of Athenian democracy  
Gender and the City in Euripides' Political Plays  :
The Cambridge companion to Greek tragedy  
Greek tragedy on the American stage  : ancient drama in the commercial theater, 1882-1994 
Antigone on the contemporary world stage  
Drama for students. Volume 24  : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas 
Crossroads in the Black Aegean. Oedipus, Antigone, and Dramas of the African Diaspora. 
Drama for students. Volume 8  : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas 
Drama for students. Volume 1  : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas 
Drama for students. Volume 4  : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas 
Drama for students. Volume 25  : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas 
The Reception and Performance of Euripides' Herakles. Reasoning Madness. 
Drama for students. Volume 6  : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas 
The advent of pluralism  : diversity and conflict in the age of Sophocles 
Motivation and Narrative in Herodotus. 
Reading Herodotus : a study of the logoi in Book 5 of Herodotus' Histories  
The Cambridge companion to Herodotus  
Herodotus and his world  : essays from a conference in memory of George Forrest 
Divinity and history  : the religion of Herodotus 
Thucydides, pericles, and periclean imperialism  
Thucydides and Pindar  : Historical Narrative and the World of Epinikian Poetry
The Tragic Vision of Politics : Ethics, Interests and Orders. 
Two thousand years of solitude  : exile after Ovid 
Ovid and the politics of emotion in Elizabethan England [electronicresource] 
Reflections in a serpent's eye  : Thebes in Ovid's Metamorphoses 
Ovid before exile  : art and punishment in the Metamorphoses 
An Ovid workbook  
Ovid's lovers  : desire, difference and the poetic imagination 
The art of love  : bimillennial essays on Ovid's Ars amatoria and Remedia amoris 
Readers and Writers in Ovid's Heroides  : Transgressions of Genre and Gender
The Cambridge companion to Ovid  
Ovid's Fasti  : Historical Readings at its Bimillennium
Brill's companion to Ovid  
The poetics of Latin didactic  : Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius 
Ovid's changing worlds  : English Metamorphoses, 1567-1632 
Virgil's schoolboys  : the poetics of pedagogy in Renaissance England 
Sibylline sisters  : Virgil's presence in contemporary women's writing 
Allegories of farming from Greece and Rome  : philosophical satire in Xenophon, Varro, and Virgil 
Greek tragedy in Vergil's <I>Aeneid<I>  : ritual, empire, and intertext 
The commerce of war  : exchange and social order in Latin epic 
Virgil made English  : the decline of classical authority 
The Other Virgil. `Pessimistic' Readings of the Aeneid in Early Modern Culture. 
Statius and Virgil : the Thebaid and the reinterpretation of the Aeneid  
The poetry of pathos  : studies in Virgilian epic 
Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace  :
Virgil Recomposed  : The Mythological and Secular Centos in Antiquity
Virgil and the Augustan reception  
Virgil on the nature of things  : the Georgics, Lucretius, and the didactic tradition 
The Cambridge companion to Virgil  
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Volume 2, The peace of Westphalia to the dissolution of the Reich 1648-1806  
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. Volume 1, Maximilian I to the peace of Westphalia, 1490-1648  
Policing the Roman Empire  : soldiers, administration, and public order 
The last pagans of Rome  
Wallenstein  : the enigma of the Thirty YearsWar 
Man as witch  : male witches in Central Europe 
The bee and the eagle  : Napoleonic France and the end of the Holy Roman Empire, 1806 
The politics of munificence in the Roman Empire : citizens, elites, and benefactors in Asia Minor  
The negotiated reformation  : imperial cities and the politics of urban reform, 1525–1550 
Landscapes and Cities  : Rural Settlement and Civic Transformation in Early Imperial Italy
Kingship and politics in the late ninth century  : charles the fat and the end of the carolingian empire 
Gibbon and the 'Watchmen of the Holy City'  : the historian and his reputation, 1776-1815 
Henry IV of Germany 1056–1106