檔案傳輸 (File Transfer Protocol,FTP)
黃恬儀 94.1.27
定義  基本指令   Anonymous FTP Server   公用軟體
檔案查詢服務    ASCII 或 BINARY    檔案壓縮 禮節  練習
定義 基本指令


不具名檔案傳輸伺服器 (Anonymous FTP Server)  [回頁首

公用軟體 [回頁首
檔案查詢服務 中央大學 http://archie.edu.tw/

中正大學 http://gais.cs.ccu.edu.tw/GaisFtp/


ASCII 或 BINARY 除了純文字檔以 ascii 傳輸外,所有的檔案皆需以 binary 傳輸。需以 binary 傳輸的檔案種類如下:
檔案種類 附屬檔名
專屬格式儲存的文件檔案 .doc(Word)、.xls(Excel)、.dbf(dBase)
影像或圖形檔 .gif(Graphic Interchange Format,GIF) 

.jpg(Joint Photographic Experts Group, JPEG) 

.tif(Tagged Image File Format,TIFF)

電子聲音檔 (digital sound) .au、.wav、.mp3、.ra
動畫檔 (digital moviews) .mov、.mpg、.qt
可執行檔 (executable files) .exe
以文件格式設定語言 (page description language) 所設定的檔案 .ps(PostScript) 


.pdf(Acrobat的 Portable Document Format,PDF)

LEARN THE NET: File Formats & Extensions <http://www.learnthenet.com/english/html/34filext.htm>

Whatis?com:Every File Format in the World <http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileFormatA/0,289933,sid9,00.html>


壓縮 (compression) 及解壓縮 (decompression) [回頁首

禮節 1.Users should respond to the PASSWORD prompt with their Email address, so if that site chooses, it can track the level of FTP usage. If your Email address causes an error, enter Guest for the next PASSWORD prompt. 於PASSWORD處需鍵入個人的Email位址,以提供FTP使用統計。 2.When possible limit downloads, especially large downloads(1 Meg+), for after normal business hours locally and for the remote ftp host; preferably late in the evening. 當檔案很大時(檔案大於1 Meg),應利用非上班時間,最好是深夜時再來下載。 3.Adhere to time restrictions as requested by archive sites. Think in terms of the current time at the site that‘s being visited, not of local time. 遵守 ftp server 的時間限制。 4.Copy downloaded files to your personal computer hard drive or disks to remain within disk quota. 將檔案下載至個人電腦的硬碟上或儲存於磁片上,不要佔用主機的硬碟空間。 5.When possible, inquiries to Archie should be in mail form. 儘量以電子郵件來查詢 Archie。 6.It‘s the user’s responsibility when downloading programs, to check for copyright or licensing agreements. If the program is beneficial to your use, pay any authors registration fee. If there is any doubt, don‘t copy it; there have been many occasions on which copyrighted software has found its way into ftp archives. Support for any downloaded programs should be requested from the originator of the application. Remove unwanted programs from your systems. 當下載程式時需查看程式是否有版權或使用協定。如果覺得程式適用時,需付註冊費用給程式作者。 如果無法確定是否有版權時,請勿下載程式。 Rinaldi, Arlene. “Anonymous FTP - File Transfer Protocol.” The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette. <http://www.fau.edu/netiquette/net/ftp.html> [回頁首
